Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 28: The Tiny Red Glove

glove on the sidewalkWalking down the street in May of 2008, I stumbled upon a tiny red glove. I nearly crushed it with my gigantic foot but the bright red popped off of the beige concrete and grabbed my attention. The glove rested neatly on the ground and I leaned over to examine it. Traces of dried leaves and grass clung to the cotton. Perhaps it had fallen out of a woman's pocket as she fumbled for her keys or maybe it leaped out of a child's book bag as he hurried home from school. I stared at it for a moment before I realized that almost every finger of the glove was tucked neatly inside itself, except the middle finger. The universally recognized middle finger...

I believe in signs. I believe that God speaks to us in many ways. I believe that the universe challenges us and that the world sometimes lets us know what kind of karma we are exuding by giving it right back to us. And in May of 2008, I believe that tiny red glove was a sign and it clearly had a message.

Coincidentally (or not), it was that month that I took back my life. I took it into my own hands. Some days I cradled it gently and some days I shook it fiercely back into reality. But I treated it the way it needed to be treated which is not something you can expect when you leave it up to someone else.

Almost three years later, I am still making changes and learning and growing but there's no subtlety in my message back to that tiny red glove and the world for that matter. You can't keep me down. I am a force to reckon with. And... Right back atcha!

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