Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 20: The World is Your Oyster

"The world is your oyster!" said the card attached to the flowers.

Dragging myself into the house after my first day of work at my new job, I threw down my coat and purse and paused in the kitchen. A delivery had come earlier in the day and I couldn't imagine who may have sent it. Tearing into the paper, I discovered the beautiful, bright pink flowers and the card attached was signed by a dear friend whom I've known since high school.

We are half way through the 40 days until my 40th birthday. So I had planned to muster up some half-hearted blog about hitting the half way point. But then the flowers came and they reminded me how important it is to let people know when you are thinking about them. It can shift a person's entire mood or make someone's day. A kind word, a short message, even a smile can pull someone back from the brink of... mediocrity!

I also started thinking about the sentiment that my wonderful friend had written in the card. "The World is Your Oyster." Shakespeare first popularized the phrase in "The Merry Wives on Windsor" and the original meaning was exactly what you think: the world is yours for the taking and it is a place where you can get something of great value just by using the proper tools and gently prying open the shell.

Thank you, my good friend, for thinking of me, for letting me know you were thinking of me and for reminding me that I can have whatever I have the guts to go after. Look out world. You might want to hide your pearls!

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