Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 26: Move It People!

Hi, my name is Michele and I'm a road rager.

For years, I've made excuses. It's all of those other people on the roads who don't know how to drive. They don't pay attention. They spend too much time on their cell phones. They are too short-sighted or they are looking so far ahead that they don't notice what's happening right in front of them.

How about those people that drive until the acceleration ramp ends and then just expect you to stop and let them in? Find an opening and take it! And inevitably, in the midst of every single traffic jam, there is one guy at the front of the pack that is slowing everyone down. Trust me. It's ONE GUY.

But last week, I started a job that requires me to drive 45 minutes to an hour every morning and every night. So I've decided to make a concerted effort to breathe easy on the roads and not allow the bad drivers around me to determine my mood. I'm cranking up the tunes in the car and doing my breathing exercises.

And I have just one favor to ask of the rest of you while I make the transition from road rager to responsible driver. MOVE IT PEOPLE!

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