Maybe I'm a peace-loving hippy. Or maybe it's just that Native American spirituality pumping through my veins. But...
I believe that good begets good. I believe that we reap what we sow-- and not just because the Bible tells me so but because I know from experience. I believe in karma, which will make my Christian friends cringe.
I also believe that hatred festers. I believe that on a daily basis we perpetuate divisions in our lives, in this country and in our world by pouring salt in the wounds of others which, in turn, causes hatred to fester.
I believe that the more we talk about the differences between black & white & red & yellow, between Christian, Jew & Muslim, between Republican & Democrat, the bigger those differences seem and the more power we give them to widen the divide between us. I believe we should never lump a group of people together and decide to love or hate them.
I believe we should acknowledge the past, respect history and then join hands to move forward into the future. I believe that we should treat others as we'd like to be treated and that includes how we speak about others, our attitudes towards them when they aren't around and the thoughts that go through our heads but never escape our lips.
I am not perfect. I would never claim to be. But I believe I try to spread love and kindness. And I try to surround myself with others who do as well, no matter their race, religion, economic status, political party, sexual orientation, age or gender. The only difference I will not tolerate in my life is hatefulness. It's contagious. I believe that we should get beside ourselves and take a long hard look at what we are passing on to those around us.
Chief Seattle once said, "Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." He was speaking of how we treat the earth, our world around us. But it applies to how we treat other people as well.
Remember. Please. "All things connect."
Excellent points you make, Michele. They've been around for a long time, but now and then we all need a reminder, and thanks for reminding us of "All things connect."